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CAP Driving School Lohja

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Service languages:

Finnish, English

Contact information

Office services in Lohja

Location-specific appointment bookings and cancellations, as well as examination matters.

Address and opening hours

Laurinkatu 36
08100 Lohja

Driving lessons start from driving lesson stops.

Tue -
Thu -

Billing service opening hours.

Main customer services

General issues related to driver's license and driving school courses.

Pickup Points

We has several Pickup Points in Lohja, where the driving instructor will pick you up for the lesson. You can find all the stops on the map below.

Antin Autokoulu Lohja

laurinkatu 36

Virkkalan keskustan parkkipaikka

Tietolantie 4

Ojamon ostari parkkipaikka

Kartanonkuja 1

A-katsastusasema/Ajovarma Lempola parkkipaikka

Lehmijärventie 4

Parkkipaikka Louhenkatu 16

Louhenkatu 16

Branch's services


Sakari Vermilä

050 475 8959

Kimmo Kotilainen

050 477 1948

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